Tuesday, December 10, 2019

RSS Utsav - Vijayadashami or Dasara fastival


This is one of the very important & fascinating festivals of Bharat, which is celebrated on shukla-paksh dashami of Ashwin (usually in September or October).

The basic purpose behind this festival is to worship feminine principle of the whole cosmos:

This reminds us our great oldest systems of Indian philosophy – “Sankhya”. It is founded by Sage Kapila.  The Sankhya school of philosophy recognizes two eternal principles called Purusha and Prakriti.
Ø  Purusha is eternal, something that does not create, uncreated, passive, absolute, infinite, pure, neither the cause nor the effect, consciousness and indestructible.
Ø  Prakriti is eternal, uncreated something that creates, dynamic absolute, infinite, cause and active. 

Sankhya states that a fine and subtle matter or principle is the basis of our physical existence. It is is called Prakriti or nature. It is the primal substance behind the universe. It is the material cause of the world, it is the first and foremost cause of all the gross and subtle objects. It is non self, incomprehensible and without consciousness. It gets affected and influenced by the Purusha(self or the spirit). It can only appear as the various objects of experience of the Purusha. The basic nature or Prakriti and the individual souls or Purusha coexist with one another so that the beautiful Sristhi is a reality before us. We can interpret this Prakriti as the feminine principle.

“ya devi sarvabhutesu (shakti, gyana, kama, buddhi, shanti, maya etc…) rupena samsthita…namastesai namastesai namastesai namoh namah...”  Whatever we are perceiving using all our senses, whatever we can complement using our gyanendriya (Senses of knowledge) is nothing but Durga. Everything gross or subtle are nothing but the same Devine principle. This is the time to recognize that.  She is the Shakti/power, things moves only because of her, Earth is rotating only because of her,

 in the form of the divine mother to remind the teachings of the Taitareeya Upanishad, "Matru Devo Bhava." Essence of the navaratri celebration at social level is to remind & respect all the women, who are the guardians of the family, culture, and national integrity, to take lead in times of crisis to guide the humanity towards the path of social justice, righteousness, equality, love, and divinity. Durga is worshipped as the main deity of Navaratri by all the segments of  society including tribal communities. Dasara coincide with the period of rest & leisure of the farmers after their strenuous hard work in their farms & fields, hence they invoke blessings of Durga in order to have a rich harvest in the next coming season.

Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, the founder of the Hindavi (Hindu) Swarajya used to always worship Lord Shiva & Goddess Durga in the form of goddess Bhawani before any military expedition. Goddess Bhavani had blessed Shivaji Maharaj with her own sword called “Bhavani Talwar”. Dasara is the festival of Victory of Good over Bad, God over Devil.

The Birth of Mahishaasura Mardini & the unique message:

All the God fought with the demoin power for years all together without a result. They came to know that only a feminine divine power can kill this monster. The requested Maa Lakshmi to come and kill. However Maa Lakshmi asked, “I am goddess for wealth and auspiciousness”.  That is not my area of work also I do not have required strength, please go to Maa Kali. Kali told “I am the owner of the absolute power and strength however I cannot have all the strategy required to kill the monster”. Saraswati told ,“I am the owner of the absolute knowledge, I know the past, present as well as the future of the monster, however I am not powerful enough to face the monster”. There was a big void in the whole cosmos no one is there who is readily capable and available to kill the monster. They needed a united powers of Maa Lakshmi, Maha Saraswati, Maha Kali and Maha Maheswari.  At one stage the Gods felt powerless against the onslaughts of the demoniac forces headed by Mahishaasura. In answer to their prayers for protection, they were ordered to part with a portion of their divine powers to form into a new Goddess. It was thus that Mahishaasura Mardini took on a physical form as the combined might of 33 crores of Gods.

1.      Individual skill, power, talent in their true absolute sense looks nothing before problem
2.      Even the good and the righteous can succeed against the evil forces only when they come together in an organized endeavor.
3.      Could there be a more telling message to the present-day disorganized Hindu people - many of them individually good and pious but who have remained incapable of overcoming the forces inimical to them and their culture?
4.      Truly has it been said, 'Sanghe shaktih kalau yuge' - Organization holds the key to strength in Kaliyuga. And this is the one single, most important lesson which the Hindu people have to learn today.
5.      Every page of our past history bears testimony to the shocking phenomenon of how the Hindus, though immensely superior in culture, wealth, armies, territory and sheer numbers to the foreign aggressors, were defeated and enslaved. And all this tragedy because of their fatal drawback of disorganization.
6.      Now, it is high time the Hindus learnt the bitter lesson of the past and realize that "Organization is life and disorganization is death".
7.       This strength is termed “nigrahaanugraha shakti”, i.e., while on the one hand it destroys the wicked, on the other it protects the good and the holy (as reiterated in Bhagvat Geeta, paritranay sadhunaam, vinashaay cha duskritaam).

Stories associated with Vijayadashami day(signifying the victory of the forces of righteousness over those of wickedness.):
1.      Pandavas came out of agyaat-vaas and took up astra (weapons) to fight on Vijayadashami day. Even though Pandavas had literally nothing post vanvaas, even forces from allied kingdoms were much lesser compared to that of Kauravas. But Pandavas were on the side of dharma and at the end they were able to defeat the adharmic forces (Kauravas & their allies).
2.      Shri Ramchandra reached lanka with force of vanaras (Monkeys) to fight Ravana having the huge army of the ferocious demons and all sort of divya & mayavi astra (weapons). It was no match between the armies of Shri Ramachandra & Ravana. Even though Shri Rama looked weak, he eventually defeated and killed mighty Ravana because dharma was on his side.
3.      Mahisasur  asked for vardaan that, no deva, asura, animal & man can kill him and assumed he became amar (immortal). He under-estimated the power of women; and never thought to include in his wish. Drunk on power & immortality, he started creating havoc everywhere. This is when all Devas came together to create matru-swarupa & Shakti-swarupa Goddess Durga. Once again, Goddess Durga seemingly weak compared to Mahsasura, killed him and brought an end to the adharmic forces.
4.      Doctor ji, started sangh also on Vijayadashami day of 1925 and successfully we have come a long way in last 94yrs; still a lot needs to be done.
5.      On Vijayadashami Day, we are symbolically breaking our Sakha/milan boundaries and going into newer/bigger area as part of sanchalan. Sanchalan done in Purna Ganavesh and with perfect discipline and synchronization along with Ghos excites anybody and everybody witnessing it. The society around us gets to see the presence of sangh as part of it. It also acts Shakti-pradarshan (Ajey Shakti, not to harm normal people), which instills sense of confidence & saftey in hindu samaj.

No matter how small, weak or out-numbered the Dharmic forces seem, once they come together and take on adharmic forces with the sincere & untiring efforts, they are able to defeat the adharma.

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