Tuesday, September 10, 2019


कालः पचति भूतानि कालः संहरते प्रजाः 
कालः सुप्तेषु जागर्ति कालो हि दुरतिक्रमः 
Time is very powerful. It is the ultimately powerful. It digests each element. It is always awake. Nobody can break time.  We give importance to time because it has a direct impact to us, to the planet as well as to the universe or cosmos. The way modern science is measuring time is not the accurate way as we are just following the linearly incremental way. Kala is not just a time, ever we say Yamaraj as Kala or somany ways it is understood in our philosophy. The cosmos is a complex phenomenon which do follow some principle which are unwritten. The Kala makes that unwritten rule applied in each and every moment. As a result we are here.

There are so many external forces who has a direct impact to our life / to this planet for that matter. In fact, if we try to understand, every tiny thing around us has an impact to us. It depends on how stable/influential we are or that object or person is. Based on the power the impact is felt. Planet is very vast hence we they have influence and vibration. It is said that on the Fool Moon day or New Moon day whoever have some instability in mind, they go more instable because of the influence. It depends on who is more influential.  In the same ways there are so many planets which has impact on earth or to be specific to us. The major effect is that of Moon and that of Sun. There after other planets. Then the Nakshyatra(Stars).

We are part of certain process of evolution. When we are talking about Human evolution, it is not really a human evolution but evolution of the entire cosmos. When Solar system is fit is eligible to have human being in this shape then we started appearing. We are in this shape because of the system.

Panchang is an astrological diary which is mainly used to see auspicious dates and timing of marriage, ceremonies, calculate auspicious timings before traveling, forecasting weather, before going for an interview, or starting of any new business.
भारत मे पंचांग का अपना विशिष्ट स्थान है।  भारत व्रत, त्यौहार, उत्सव, मांगलिक कार्येा का देश है।  ये यहा की संस्कृति मे रचे-बसे है। पंचांग का मूल उद्देश्य विभिन्न व्रत, त्यौहार, उत्सव, मांगलिक कार्य की जांच करना है।
हिन्दू प्रणाली से पंचांग के विभिन्न तत्वो के संयोजन से शुभ और अशुभ क्षण (योग) का गठन करना है। इसके आलावा सप्ताह के दिन, तिथि, योग, नक्षत्र, करण आदि को विशिष्ट गतिविधियो के लिए निर्धारित किये  गये   उनके उतार-चढाव का ज्ञान है। एक शुभ समय निर्धारित करने के लिए पंचांग शुद्धि मौलिक है।

Indian Calender/ Hindu calender/ Vikrama Samvatsara are all based on Panchangam (Pancha+angam)

The complete Indian calendars contain five Angas or parts of information:
1.      Din (vaar) or Day of the Week , 2. Tithi or the Lunar day   3. Nakshatra or the Constellation,  4. Yog,  5. Karan

lunar day (tithi),  (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tithi)

Ø  Tithi & Paksha is the day according to the Hindu lunar Calendar.
Ø  The Hindu lunar calendar consists of a dark and a bright fortnight also called paksha.
Ø  The sidereal month is the time it takes to make one complete orbit around Earth with respect to the fixed stars. It is about 27.32 days
Ø  When the moon completes 12 degrees of its movement on the Sun, it is called a Tithi or Hindu lunar day. There are 30 tithis(Pratipada, dvitiya, Tritiya, Chaturthi…chaturdasi, Purnima/Amavasya) in a lunar month.
Ø  It should be noted that starting and ending of a Tithi depends upon the degree of the Moon from that of the Sun. Therefore, a Tithi can start or end at any time in a day.
Ø  Tithis are classified into five types - Nanda Tithi, Bhadra Tithi, , Jaya Tithi, Rikta Tithi, Poorna Tithi

solar day (diwas), Din (vaar) or Day of the Week:

               Rabivara(Sun), somabar(Moon), mangalavara(Mars), Budhavara(Mercury), Guruvara(Jupitor), Sukravara(Venus), Sanivaar(Saturn)

asterism (naksatra), or the Constellation:

Ø  27 Nakshatras considered in Vedic Astrology, Each one of them has 13 degree and 20 minutes of the zodiac.
Ø  Nakshatra can be known with help of degrees of Moon in a particular sign at the time of birth.
Ø  Nakshatra also indicate Yoni(Animal symbol), Gan(3 dana) and Nadi of an individual
Ø  Yoni: - There are 14 Yonis (animal symbols) in Vedic astrology assigned to nakshatras
Ø  Gana: There are three Ganas - 1. Deva: Divine, 2. Manuj: Human, 3. Rakshas: Demon
Ø  Nadis - 1. Adi : Vata (wind), 2. Madhya: Pitta (bile), 3. Antya: Kapha or Shleshma (phlegm)

planetary joining (yoga):

Ø  Yoga is an angle of earth to that is Moon and Sun in a day to day basis. The first yog (Viskumbh) ends when the angle  is 13°20'.
Ø  There are 27 Yoga: Vishkumbha, Saubhagya, Sukarama, Ganda…. Vaidhriti
Ø  All these Yoga are linked to each Nakshyatra
Ø  There are some auspicious Yoga and some are inauspicious.

astronomical period (karanam)

Ø  Half of Tithi is called `Karna'. A Karna is completed when the Nirayana longitude of the Moon gains every 6° on that of Sun.
Ø  There are 11 karnas in total.
Ø  Four of them occur just once a month and are called the Fixed Karanas: Kintughna, Chatushpada, Sakuni and Naga
Ø  seven are movable Karanas. They follow one another in a fixed rotation: Bava, Balava, Kaulava, Taitila, Gara, Vanija and Vishti.
Ø  Each of the Karanas is said to have its own influence and interpretation.

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