Saturday, March 23, 2019

Baudhik Katha on Field Marshal KM Cariappa

As a part of today’s Baudhik we are going to learn more about an Indian Army Chief to whom even Pakisthan President saluted. You will be surprised to know this, but it is true there was an incident where the whole world saluted him. We will talk on that today.  Even current Army Chief General Bipin Rawat was claiming “Bharath Ratna” for him. He is none other than our first Army Chief Field Marshal KM Kariappa of Independent India.

Foundation is Important:
Before we going to discuss about him more, let’s learn first why he, in today’s topic?  The foundation is always important whatever we do. Because Doctor ji is the foundation of RSS, hence RSS. Nobody will dare to point finger at him, rather everybody will bow down to him by his Shila (Good qualities) “सुशीलं जगद्येन नम्रं भवेत्”. When he is the foundation then of course the Organisation will be strong. All SS wants to be Doctor Ji in RSS. See Indian National Congress, They keep taling about Gandhi but nobody wants to be Gandhi or live like Gandhi, how will be the Organisation, you can imagine.
Fiend Marshal KM Kariappa was such as a great personality and he was one of the main foundation stone of Indian Army. He is best remembered as the legend who made the Indian Army truly Indian. Hence Indian Army, Anybody has any question or doubt on the discipline on Indian Army, or sincerity of Indian Army.

  • He told his officers in 1949, “Understand politics, but do not get involved in its processes, I want to make it clear, that you are not politicians... You are Indians first; and Indians last”.
  • He did adopt INA’s slogan ‘Jai Hind’ as the formal phrase of greeting between army personnel.
  • He also rejected the proposal for caste-based reservations in the Army, though there was political pressure.

As this is a Baudhik session about him, let’s learn some of his personal information. Let’s talk about the below Points in this Baudhik:

  • His personal life Information
  • Awards
  • Couple of Incidents which made him deserve high respect.
  • His association with RSS

His Personal Information:

  • Cariappa was born on 28 January 1899, in Madikeri, Kodagu (Coorg), to a family of farmers. His father, Madappa, worked with the revenue department. Cariappa was the second child in a family of four sons and two daughters.
  • After completing his education in the Central High School at Madikeri in 1917, he attended Presidency College, Chennai to pursue his education further.
  • There he learned that Indians were being recruited into the Army. As he wished to serve as a soldier he applied for.  Of the 70 applicants, Cariappa was one of 42 who were finally granted admission.
  • He was hard working and extremely dedicated. He quickly became one of the best cadets in the batch, excelling in subjects such as battle tactics, military strategy, leadership techniques and administrative skills.
  • Service period 1919–1953
  •  In 1942, he was given the command of an army unit, the first India officer to have British officers serving under him.
  • Four years later, in 1946, Cariappa was promoted to Brigadier of the Frontier Brigade Group. During these years, Colonel Ayub Khan – who would later become the President of Pakistan (1962–1969) – served under his command.
  • He led Indian forces on the Western Front during the Indo-Pakistani War of 1947
  • He was treating Indian National Army’s (INA) prisoners very well. Once, when he visited a camp of INA prisoners & he was sad by the conditions that they lived in. He immediately wrote a letter to the British General to improve their living conditions.
  • He also recommended pardoning of those who were not guilty. Convinced by his letter, the British did release most of the INA prisoners.
  • Pakistani tribal lashkars were attacking Kashmir and Cariappa was in charge of Indian Army’s operations in the region. Under his able leadership, the army cleared the area, strategically-important linkup was established with Leh.
  • However, Cariappa’s plans to evict the lashkars from some ‘sensitive’ areas were not approved by his immediate superior, Sir Roy Butcher (the then-Commander-in-Chief of India). Cariappa protested against this, stating that this policy would put the security of the Kashmir Valley at stake. When permission was still not forthcoming, he disobeyed orders and continued to launch high-risk offensive strikes in Leh-Ladakh region, allowing India to secure control over the area.
  • He was instrumental in the formation of the Brigade of Guards, the Parachute Regiment and the Territorial Army. Though the National Cadet Corps (NCC) had been already raised in 1948, it was Cariappa who strengthened and supported it during its formative years.
  • Cariappa always led from the front, and by personal example. A strong believer in the power of personal communication, he would make it a point to spend time with his troops, to ask them about their food, their comfort and whether they had received letters from home. He was saying, “I will never ask you to do anything that I am myself incapable of doing.”

There were 2 incidents for which he is deeply respected:

First Incident:
In 1947 war there was a severe food scarcity in many villages in Kashmir. Once, Cariappa was stopped by a group of hungry people at Baramulla who told them about their suffering. After assuring them that he would do his best to help them. The next day, he fulfilled his assurance by returning to the town with flour, rice and salt that he distributed to the needy families. He also ensured that this was repeated in other villages that were suffering from food scarcity. Later, the grateful residents of Baramulla named a park after Cariappa (it still exists today).

Second Incident:
During the 1965 Indo-Pak war, Cariappa’s son — Flt. Lt. KC “Nanda” Cariappa was taken prisoner-of-war after his Hunter aircraft was shot down in Pakistani territory. Ayub Khan contacted Cariappa and offered to release his son immediately, to which the retired general replied, “He is my son no longer… He is the child of this country, a soldier fighting for his motherland like a true patriot. My many thanks for your kind gesture, but I request you to release all or release none. Give him no special treatment.”


  • He was awarded with prestigious Order of the British Empire.
  • He is one of only two Indian Army officers to hold the five-star rank of field marshal; the other being Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw
  • He was also honored with the ‘Order of the Chief Commander of the Legion of Merit’ by US President Harry Truman.
  • There are many more in fact. 

Association with RSS:

  • RSS had great respect for the General and the General had praised the organization for its nationalist approach and service to the motherland.
  •  Gen Cariappa had visited the RSS shakha in Mangalore in 1959.
  • He also visited Deendayal Research Institute, quoted saying, “RSS work is my heart’s work. If Muslims can sing the praises of Islam, what wrong is there if RSS sings the praises of Hinduism? My dear young men don’t be disturbed by uncharitable comments. Dr. Hedgewar, the revered founder of this great organization, has set before you a bright example of selfless devotion to the service of the motherland. Look ahead! Go ahead! This country is standing in need of your services alone.”
  • On yet another occasion, the General was invited to watch a route march of RSS Ghosh (Band Platoon) and was told that the march would pass from the point at a certain time. He was not very sure but as he heard the sound of the marching tunes and the first file of the RSS swayamsevaks approached at the appointed hour, the General exclaimed: “Oh! Here they come!
  • Sri Guruji had very cordial relations with the General. In 1956 they had met at Mysore and discussed the language issue which was the burning issue at that time and Gen Cariappa was very much impressed by Shri Guruji’s frank and patriotic views on the issue.
  • 13 years later, in 1969 Gen Cariappa made it a point to participate in the state conference of Vishwa Hindu Parishad at Udupi in Karnataka. It was at this conference that the saints made a crystal clear statement that untouchability has no place in Hindu religion. Samarasata Mantra came from here “हिन्दव:सोदरा: सर्वे, हिन्दू: पतितो भवेत्। मम दीक्षा हिन्दू रक्षा, मम मंत्र: समानता।।

Cariappa's health began to deteriorate in 1991; he suffered from arthritis and heart problems. He died in his sleep on 15 May 1993, at the Bangalore Command Hospital.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Ekatmatastotra - एकात्मता स्तोत्र

संस्कृत हिन्दी  English 
 ॐ नमः सच्चिदानंदरूपाय परमात्मने
ज्योतिर्मयस्वरूपाय विश्वमांगल्यमूर्तये॥१॥
ॐ, सत्य, चित और आनंद रुप, प्रकाश स्वरुप, विश्व कल्याण के धाम परमात्मा को नमन ||१||  Om. I bow to the supreme Lord who is the very embodiment of Truth, Knowledge and Happiness, the one who is enlightened, and who is the very incarnate of universal good. ॥१॥ 
 प्रकृतिः पंचभूतानि ग्रहलोकस्वरास्तथा
दिशः कालश्च सर्वेषां सदा कुर्वंतु मंगलम्‌॥२॥
 प्रकृति, पञ्च भूत (पृथ्वी, जल, अग्नि, वायु और आकाश), ग्रह (मंगल, बुध, शुक्र आदि), संगीत के सातों सुर, दसों दिशाएं और भूत, वर्तमान और भविष्य समस्त कालों में सदैव कल्याणकारी हों ||२|| May all these cause perpetual good to us: Nature composed of three qualities i.e., Satva, Rajas and Tamas; the five Elements namely Fire, Water, Air, Earth and Space; The seven notes of Music; The ten quarters and time - past, present and future.‌॥२॥
 रत्नाकराधौतपदां हिमालयकिरीटिनीम्‌
ब्रह्मराजर्षिरत्नाढ्याम् वन्दे भारतमातरम्‌ ॥३॥
 रत्नों का भंडार, समुद्र जिसके चरण पखारता है, (पर्वतराज) हिमालय जिसका मुकुट है, ब्रह्मर्षि और राजर्षि जिसके प्रतिष्ठित पुत्र हैं, उस भारत माता को नमन ॥३॥ Bhaarat Maata, I bow to thee, whose feet are being washed by the ocean waves, whose crown is the snowy Himalayas, whose illustrious sons have distinguished themselves as Brahmarshis and as Rajarshis. ॥३॥
 महेंद्रो मलयः सह्यो देवतात्मा हिमालयः
ध्येयो रैवतको विन्ध्यो गिरिश्चारावलिस्तथा ॥४॥
पवित्र पर्वत श्रेणियों: महेंद्र गिरिमलय गिरि सह्याद्रि, देव स्वरुप हिमालयरैवतकविन्ध्याचल और अरावली को हम सर्वदा ह्रदय में धारण करें ॥४॥
 These mountains of our country should always be remembered - Mahendra, Malaya Giri, Sahyadri , Himalaya, the abode of gods, Raivataka, Vindhyachal and Aravali. ॥४॥ 
  गंगा सरस्वती सिंधु ब्रह्मपुत्राश्च गण्डकी
कावेरी यमुना रेवा कृष्णा गोदा महानदी ॥५॥
पवित्र नदियों:  गंगासरस्वतीसिंधुब्रह्मपुत्रगण्डकी,कावेरीयमुनारेवा (नर्मदा), कृष्णा, गोदावरी और महानदी को हम सर्वदा ह्रदय में धारण करें ॥५॥  These important rivers of our motherland: Ganga, Sarasvati, Sindhu, Brahmaputra, Gandaki, Kaveri, Yamuna, Reva, Krishna, Godavari and Mahanadi. ॥५॥ 
 अयोध्या मथुरा माया काशी कांची अवंतिका
वैशाली द्वारका ध्येया पुरी तक्शशिला गया ॥६॥
 पवित्र तीर्थ स्थलों: अयोध्यामथुरामायाकाशीकांची,अवन्तिकावैशालीद्वारिकापुरीतक्षशिलागया ॥६॥ Important holy places - Ayodhya, Mathura, Maya, Kashi, Kanchi, Avantika, Vaishali, Dwaarika, Puri, Takshashila, Gaya ॥६॥
 प्रयागः पाटलीपुत्रं विजयानगरं महत्‌
इंद्रप्रस्थं सोमनाथस्तथामृतसरः प्रियम्‌॥७॥
प्रयागपाटलिपुत्रविजयनगरइंद्रप्रस्थसोमनाथ और प्रिय अमृतसर को हम सर्वदा ह्रदय में धारण करें ॥७॥  Prayaga, Pataliputra, Vijayanagara, Indraprastha, Somanath and Amritsar.‌॥७॥
 चतुर्वेदाः पुराणानि सर्वोपनिषदस्तथा
रामायणं भारतं च गीता षड्दर्शनानि च ॥८॥
श्रेष्ठ धार्मिक पुस्तकों: चार वेद, अठारह पुराण, सभी उपनिषदरामायणमहाभारतगीता, छह दर्शन ॥८॥ We must revere these great religious books from the core of our heart - the four Vedas, eighteen Puranas, all the Upanishads, the Ramayana, the Mahabharata, the Gita, the true Philosophies (Six Darshanas) ॥८॥
जैनागमास्त्रिपिटकः गुरुग्रन्थः सतां गिरः
एष ज्ञाननिधिः श्रेष्ठः श्रद्धेयो हृदि सर्वदा॥९॥ 
जैन शास्त्र आगम, बौद्ध धर्म के त्रिपिटक और संतों की वाणी गुरु ग्रंथ साहिब जैसे ज्ञान के भंडार, श्रेष्ठ, वन्दनीय ग्रंथों को हम सर्वदा ह्रदय में धारण करें ॥९॥ The Agama books of Jainism, the Tripitaka of Buddhism and the truthful verse of Guru Granth Sahib॥९॥
 अरुन्धत्यनसूय च सावित्री जानकी सती
द्रौपदी कन्नगे गार्गी मीरा दुर्गावती तथा ॥१०॥
अरुंधती, अनुसूया, सावित्री, जानकी, सती, द्रौपदी, कण्णगी, गार्गी, मीरा, दुर्गावती॥१०॥  These great ladies must be worshipped as mother goddesses - Arundhati, Anasuya, Savitri, Janaki, Sati, Draupadi, Kannagi, Gargi, Mira, Durgavati॥१०॥
 लक्ष्मी अहल्या चन्नम्मा रुद्रमाम्बा सुविक्रमा
निवेदिता सारदा च प्रणम्य मातृ देवताः ॥११॥
लक्ष्मीबाई, अहिल्या बाई होल्कर, कलेड़ी की चनम्मा और कित्तूर की चनम्मा, रुद्रमाम्बा, निवेदिता और शारदादेवी जैसी मातृ देवियों को प्रणाम है ॥११॥ Lakshmibai, Ahalya Bai Holkar, Chennamma, Rudramaambaa, Sister Nivedita and Ma Sharada ॥११॥ 
 श्री रामो भरतः कृष्णो भीष्मो धर्मस्तथार्जुनः
मार्कंडेयो हरिश्चन्द्र प्रह्लादो नारदो ध्रुवः ॥१२॥
श्रीरामभरतकृष्णभीष्म, धर्मराज युधिष्ठिरअर्जुनमार्कंडेय, सत्यवादी हरिश्चंद्रप्रहलादनारदध्रुव ॥१२॥ These are the great men of our country whose glory has been sung in the Puranic lore - Lord Rama, King Bharata, Lord Krishna, Bhishma Pitamah, Dharmaraja Yudhishthir, Arjuna, Sage Markandeya, King Harishchandra, Prahlada, Narada, Dhruva ॥१२॥
 हनुमान्‌ जनको व्यासो वसिष्ठश्च शुको बलिः
दधीचि विश्वकर्माणौ पृथु वाल्मीकि भार्गवः ॥१३॥
हनुमानजनकव्यास (समस्त वैदिक साहित्य के प्रणेता), वशिष्ठशुकदेवबलिदधीचिविश्वकर्मा, राजा पृथु,वाल्मीकि, भृगुवंशी परशुराम ॥१३॥ Hanuman, King Janaka, Vyasa, Vashishtha, Shukadeva Muni, King Bali, Dadhichi, Vishwakarma , King Prithu, Sage Valmiki, Parashurama. ॥१३॥
 भगीरथश्चैकलव्यो मनुर्धन्वन्तरिस्तथा
शिबिश्च रन्तिदेवश्च पुराणोद्गीतकीर्तयः ॥१४॥
भगीरथएकलव्यमनुधनवंतरि और रंतिदेव, पुराणों में जिनकी महिमा का गुणगान किया गया है ॥१४॥ King Bhagiratha, Eklavaya, Manu, Dhanvantari, and King Rantideva ॥१४॥
 बुद्ध जिनेन्द्र गोरक्शः पाणिनिश्च पतंजलिः
शंकरो मध्व निंबार्कौ श्री रामानुज वल्लभौ ॥१५॥
भगवान बुद्ध, भगवान महावीर, महान योगी गोरखनाथपाणिनी (महान वैयाकरण), पातंजलि ( योगसूत्र के लेखक), आदि शंकराचार्य (महान हिंदू दार्शनिक), मध्वाचार्यनिम्बार्काचार्य, श्रीरामानुज, वल्लभाचार्य॥१५॥ May these noble souls distinguished in their chosen field of activity generously bless us with their divine virtues: Lord Buddha, Lord Mahavira, Yogi Gorakhnath, Panini, Patanjali, Adi Shankaracharya and saints like Madhvacharya, Nimbarkachary ॥१५॥
 झूलेलालोथ चैतन्यः तिरुवल्लुवरस्तथा
नायन्मारालवाराश्च कंबश्च बसवेश्वरः ॥१६॥
 झूलेलाल (सिंधी हिंदुओं के महान रक्षक), चैतन्य महाप्रभुतिरुवल्लुवरनयन्नारअल्वरकंबन (तमिल के रामायण कवि), बसवेश्वर ॥१६॥  Jhulelal, Mahaprabhu Chaitanya, Tiruvalluvar, Nayanmars, Alwars, Kamban, Basaveshwar ॥१६॥
 देवलो रविदासश्च कबीरो गुरु नानकः
नरसी तुलसीदासो दशमेषो दृढव्रतः ॥१७॥
  महर्षि देवल, संत रविदासकबीरगुरु नानक, भक्त नरसी मेहतातुलसीदास, दृढनिश्चयी दशम गुरु गोविन्द सिंह ॥१७॥ Maharishi Devala, Sant Ravidas, Kabir, Guru Nanak, Bhakta Narshi Mehta, Tulsidas, Guru Gobind Singh ॥१७॥
 श्रीमच्छङ्करदेवश्च बंधू सायन माधवौ
ज्ञानेश्वरस्तुकाराम रामदासः पुरन्दरः ॥१८॥
 शंकरदेव (असम के वैष्णव संत), भाई सायण और माधवाचार्य , संत ज्ञानेश्वरतुकाराम, समर्थ गुरु रामदासपुरंदरदास॥१८॥ Shankardeva, the brothers Sayanacharya and Madhavacharya, Sant Gyaneshwar, Tukaram, Samartha Guru Ramdas, Purandaradasa ॥१८॥
 बिरसा सहजानन्दो रमानन्दस्तथा महान्‌
वितरन्तु सदैवैते दैवीं षड्गुणसंपदम्‌ ॥१९॥
 बिरसा (बिहार), स्वामी सहजानंद और स्वामी रामानंद (मध्ययुगीन काल में सनातन धर्म के रक्षक ) ये महापुरुष हममें दैवी गुणों का प्रसार करें ॥१९॥ Birsa Munda of Bihar, Swami Sahajananda and Swami Ramananda. ॥१९॥
 भरतर्षिः कालिदासः श्रीभोजो जकनस्तथा
सूरदासस्त्यागराजो रसखानश्च सत्कविः ॥२०॥
 भरत मुनि (जड़भरत), कवि कालिदास, श्री भोजराज, जकन, हिंदी कवि भक्त सूरदास, भक्त त्यागराज, और कविश्रेष्ठ रसखान ॥२०॥ Ravi Varma , Bhata Khanda, and Bhagya Chandra. ॥२०॥
 रविवर्मा भातखंडे भाग्यचन्द्रः स भोपतिः
कलावंतश्च विख्याताः स्मरणीया निरंतरम्‌ ॥२१॥
 (प्रसिद्ध चित्रकार) रवि वर्मा , (महान संगीतकार) भातखंड और (मणिपुर के राजा) भाग्यचन्द्र जैसे कलाकार नित्य स्मरणीय हैं ॥२१॥ Poet Kalidasa, Sri Bhojaraja, Jakana, Hindi poet Bhakt Surdas, Bhakta Thyagaraja, and poet Rasakhan ॥२१॥
 अगस्त्यः कंबु कौन्डिण्यौ राजेन्द्रश्चोल वंशजः
अशोकः पुश्य मित्रश्च खारवेलः सुनीतिमान्‌ ॥२२॥
 अगस्त्य, कम्बु, कौण्डिन्य, चोल वंश के राजा राजेंद्र, सम्राट अशोक, पुष्यमित्र (शुंग राजवंश के संस्थापक), कलिंग के नीतिज्ञ राजा खारवेल॥२२॥ These are the great warriors and conquerors of our country in the past: Agastya, Kambu, Kaundinya, King Rajendra of Chola Dynasty, Ashoka the Great, Pushyamitra, Kharavela ॥२२॥ 
 चाणक्य चन्द्रगुप्तौ च विक्रमः शालिवाहनः
समुद्रगुप्तः श्रीहर्षः शैलेंद्रो बप्परावलः ॥२३॥
 चाणक्य और चंद्रगुप्त, विक्रमादित्य, शालिवाहन, समुद्रगुप्त, हर्षवर्धन, राजा शैलेंद्र, बप्पा रावल ॥२३॥ Chanakya, Chandragupta, Vikramaditya, Shalivahana, Samudragupta, Harshvardhana, King Shailendra, Bappa Raval ॥२३॥
 लाचिद्भास्कर वर्मा च यशोधर्मा च हूणजित्‌
श्रीकृष्णदेवरायश्च ललितादित्य उद्बलः ॥२४॥
 लिच्छवी राजा भास्करवर्मा , हूणों के विजेता यशोधर्म, श्री कृष्णदेव राय (विजयनगर साम्राज्य के महान राजा), ललितादित्य (एक महान
योद्धा) ॥२४॥
 Lachit Barfukan, Bhaskarverma, Yashodharma, Sri Krishnadevaraya, Lalitaditya, ॥२४॥
 मुसुनूरिनायकौ तौ प्रतापः शिव भूपतिः
रणजितसिंह इत्येते वीरा विख्यात विक्रमाः ॥२५॥
 मुसून अरि नायक (प्रोलय नायक, कप्पा नायक), महाराणा प्रताप, छत्रपति शिवाजी, और महाराजा रणजीत सिंह आदि विख्यात वीर (हममें बल का संचार करें)॥२५॥ Musunoori Nayakas (Prolaya Nayak, Kappa Nayak), Maharana Pratap, Chhattarpati Shivaji, and Maharaja Ranjit Singh ॥२५॥ 
 वैज्ञानिकाश्च कपिलः कणादः शुश्रुतस्तथा
चरको भास्कराचार्यो वराहमिहिर सुधीः ॥२६॥
 वैज्ञानिकों में - कपिल, कणाद, सुश्रुत (महान सर्जन), चरक, भास्कराचार्य, बुद्धिमान वराहमिहिर ॥२६॥ These are the great Indian Scientists whom we must not forget : Kapila, Kanaada Rishi, Sushruta, Charaka, Bhaskaracharya, Varahamihira ॥२६॥
  नागार्जुन भरद्वाज आर्यभट्टो वसुर्बुधः
ध्येयो वेंकट रामश्च विज्ञा रामानुजायः ॥२७॥
 नागार्जुन, भारद्वाज, आर्य भट, बुद्धिमान जगदीश चन्द्र बसु, सी वी रमन और रामानुजन ध्यायनीय हैं. ॥२७॥ Nagarjuna, Bharadwaja,
Arya Bhata, Jagdish Chandra Basu, C.V. Raman and Ramanujan. ॥२७॥
 रामकृष्णो दयानंदो रवींद्रो राममोहनः
रामतीर्थोऽरविंदश्च विवेकानंद उद्यशः ॥२८॥
 श्री रामकृष्ण परमहंस, स्वामी दयानंद, रवींद्र नाथ टैगोर, राजा राम मोहन राय, स्वामी रामतीर्थ, महर्षि अरविंद के बारे में लाया जाता है स्वामी विवेकानंद जैसे कर्मयोगी॥२८॥ And these are the some social religious leaders who brought about a great revival of the age old Hindu Society and infused new blood into its veins: Sri Rama Krishna Pramhansa, Swami Dayananda, Rabindra Nath Tagore, Raja Ram Mohan Rai, Swami RamTirtha, Maharishi Aurobindo, Swami Vivekananda ॥२८॥
 दादाभाई गोपबंधुः टिळको गांधी रादृताः
रमणो मालवीयश्च श्री सुब्रमण्य भारती ॥२९॥
 दादाभाई नैरोजी, गोपबंधु दास, बाल गंगाधर तिलक, महात्मा गांधी जैसे समाज सुधारक, महर्षि रमण, महामना मदन मोहन मालवीय, तमिल कवि सुब्रह्मण्यम भारती ॥२९॥ DadaBhai Nauroji, Gopa Bhandhu Das, Bal Gangadhara Tilak, Mahatma Gandhi, Maharishi Ramana, Mahamana Madan Mohan Malviya, Tamil poet Subrahmaniya Bharati ॥२९॥
 सुभाषः प्रणवानंदः क्रांतिवीरो विनायकः
ठक्करो भीमरावश्च फुले नारायणो गुरुः ॥३०॥
 नेताजी सुभाष चन्द्र बोस, स्वामी प्रणवानंद, महान क्रांतिकारी विनायक दामोदर सावरकर, ठक्कर बप्पा, भीमराव अम्बेडकर, महात्मा ज्योति राव फुले, नारायण गुरु जैसे क्रांति का श्रीगणेश करने वाले ॥३०॥  Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, Swami Pranavaananda, the great revolutionary Vinayak Damodar Savarkar, Thakkar Bappa, BhimRao Ambedkar, Mahatma Jyoti Rao Phule, Narayana Guru ॥३०॥
 संघशक्ति प्रणेतारौ केशवो माधवस्तथा
स्मरणीय सदैवैते नवचैतन्यदायकाः ॥३१॥
 और संघ शक्ति का सूत्रपात करने वाले डॉ. हेडगेवार और उनके उत्तराधिकारी श्री गुरुजी गोलवलकर नवीन चेतना का संचार करने वाले एवं नित्य स्मरणीय हैं॥३१॥ and the founder of RSS Dr. Hedgewar and his successor Sri Guruji Golwalkar ॥३१॥
 अनुक्ता ये भक्ताः प्रभुचरण संसक्तहृदयाः
अविज्ञाता वीरा अधिसमरमुद्ध्वस्तरि पवः
समाजोद्धर्तारः सुहितकर विज्ञान निपुणाः
नमस्तेभ्यो भूयात्सकल सुजनेभ्यः प्रतिदिनम्‌ ॥ ३२॥
 भारत माता के चरणों से प्रेम करने वाले, युद्ध में मातृभूमि के लिए शत्रुओं के स्वप्नों को ध्वस्त करने वाले अनजान वीर, महान समाज सुधारकों और पर्यवेक्षण के माध्यम से समाज कल्याण करने वाले कुशल वैज्ञानिक एवं समस्त सज्जनों को नमस्कार है ॥ ३२॥ There are many more devotees of Bharat Mata, whose name could not be recalled in the limited space here. Their hearts are in constant communion with God. Again there are numerous warriors who made the enemies of Bharat Mata bite the dust but today unfortunately we do not know their names. Still there might have been left out some important names of great social reformers and adept scientists through oversight. May our deep reverence and regards reach out to them daily. ॥ ३२॥
 इदमेकात्मता स्तोत्रं श्रद्धया यः सदा पठेत्‌
स राष्ट्रधर्म निष्ठावानखंडं भारतं स्मरेत्‌ ॥३३॥
 जो इस एकात्मता स्त्रोत का नित्य श्रद्धा के साथ पाठ करता है वह राष्ट्रधर्म में निष्ठावान होकर अखंड भारत का स्मरण करता है ॥३३॥ This is the Unity Hymn. He who recites it daily with reverence and devotion will be firmly established in the Dharma of Nationalism. And in him the memory of Akhand Bharat would never fade. ॥३३॥ 

Wednesday, March 6, 2019


We have not enjoyed, but enjoyments have enjoyed us.

In enjoyment is the fear of disease,
In high birth, the fear of losing caste,
In wealth, the fear of tyrants,
In honour the fear of losing [it],
In strength, the fear of enemies,
In beauty, the fear of [old age],
In knowledge, the fear of defeat,
In virtue, the fear of scandal,
In the body, the fear of death,
In this life all is fraught with fear:
Renunciation alone is fearless.

Time did not fly, yet we are gone.

the skin wrinkles,
The hair whitens, the body becomes crooked,
Old age comes on.
Desire alone grows younger every day.

Now you appear as child
And now as a youth, whose whole occupation is love.
This moment poor, another wealthy,
Now a babe, and again a decrepit old man.
O actor man, at last you vanish from the stage
When death beckons you behind the scenes!

Going searching in the lower regions,
Going into the skies,
Travelling through all the worlds,
This is but the fickleness of the mind.
Ah, friend, you never remember the Lord
Who resides within you!
How can you get happiness?

This whole wide earth my bed,
My beautiful pillows my own two arms,
My wonderful canopy the blue sky,
And the cool evening air to fan me,
The moon and the stars my lamps,
And my beautiful wife, Renunciation, by my side,
What king is there who can sleep like me in pleasure?

Oh mother earth, father wind,
Friend light, sweetheart water,
Brother sky,
Here take my last salutation
With folded hands!
For today I am melting away into Brahman,
Because my heart became pure,
And all delusion vanished
Thro' the power of your good company.

Not knowing the power of flame,
The insect falls into it.
The fish swallows the bait,
Not knowing the hook inside.
And knowing full well the vanities and dangers of the world. We cannot give it up —
Such is the power of delusion.

Personals Notes taken from the below Link:

Ninad or Udghosh